Saturday, June 4, 2022
6:00 p.m.
Miami-Dade County Auditorium
Festival of the Arts has been a tradition at CEA since the school’s very beginning. Every other year, the many departments in the school and conservatory come together for a grand performance that showcases their talent and progress. This year’s Festival of the Arts was on June 4, 2022.
The first Festival in Havana, Cuba was in 1934. Conchita’s last Festival in Cuba was in June of 1959. By 1961, Conchita prepared her first Festival in Miami, which was held at Miami Senior High School. In 1963, she led her first Festival at Miami-Dade County Auditorium, where we have held our Festival performances since.
The Festival of the Arts on June 4, 2022 marked the first in the school’s tenth decade in existence. Just like CEA is more than a school, Festival is more than a performance. For Conchita, it has symbolized a unity in our community and a culmination of the work and talent of our students and teachers. It is a time when our school and Conservatory faculty come together to work hand in hand to support and showcase the best of our students, and a time when you – our families – can experience the spirit of cooperation, collaboration, and love at CEA.
What happened at this weekend’s Festival of the Arts was pure magic. The 2022 Festival of the Arts was testament to the essence of Conchita – her spirit and the passion and legacy she has passed down through the generations has continued to grow and thrive.
Thank you to every single student, faculty, staff, and administrator who gave their love, their energy, and their spirit to making Saturday’s performance the best yet! From the beautiful program that showcased our students’ fabulous artwork, to every magical moment that occurred on the stage, to all of the orchestrated logistics that occurred behind the scenes where “angels” were continuously coming to the rescue with fast costume changes, striking the orchestra, making sure microphones were placed on the actors and turned on, and getting every young artist to where they needed to be, THANK YOU!
Thank you to our amazing families and community, whose support, belief, and trust, make it possible to continue the work, to continue educating our children through these experiences, to be exceptional human beings. Each and every one of you are a blessing.